Heinrich Heine – “Book of Songs 1827”
The works of both Heine and Trauth derive from the fantasy of their hearts, but are not free from irony and/or pain. We may therefore say that GeroTrauth interprets rather than illustrates Heine, thus creating his own independent pictorial associations. Just as each picture sheds light on a Heine poem, so each poem is also reflected in a picture.

In 2005, the opening of the exhibition “Heinrich Heine – Book of Songs 1827 / Gero Trauth – Pictures for the Violin 2005” took place in the GEROTRAUTH EXHIBITION HOUSE.
Violin virtuoso Martin Panteleev, Prof. Dr. Kurt Biedenkopf, Prof. Dr. Bernd Faulenbach, Gero Trauth, Prof. Justus Frantz, Prof. Dr. Joseph A. Kruse and Prof. Dr. Fritz B. Simon

Marianne Hambloch
Excerpts from the laudatory speakers:
Director of the Heinrich Heine Institute and the Heinrich Heine Museum, Düsseldorf

What we have here is a fantastic world. From a writer’s fantasy a new fantasy has been created for really young speakers and listeners. You notice here that the artist has not only given free rein to his fantasy, but has given his very own fantasy as an answer in response to his encounter with nature in the “Book of Songs”. […]“
Conductor and pianist

First Prime Minister of Saxony (retired)
Senior President of the State Parliament of Saxony

Who is really courageous enough to paint fairy tales and dreams in this way? It is almost a stroke of genius that, on the one hand, you illustrate something and at the same time leave much leeway for interpretation. Your illustrations are not explicit and their energy is delivered wrapped up in fairy-tale-like depictions. They challenge the beholder to carry his imagination beyond the text.
It made me happy to experience in your art how space for dreams and fairytales is created and thus a door through which Truth can enter, too – the very truth we refuse to talk about today.
Your illustrations serve the poet, but beyond this also serve another purpose. And this purpose beyond is in my eyes almost as precious as the texts you illustrate […]“
Psychoanalyst, Psychiatrist, Systems Analyst, Berlin
Professor at the University of Witten-Herdecke

Vice-Director of the Research Institute of Work, Education and Participation
Professor at the Ruhr-University, Bochum

Violinist, conductor and composer, Sofia

Jules Massenet: Serenade Mélancoliqué
Martin Panteleev: Sonata for Solo Violin
Johann Sebastian Bach: Chaconne in D-minor
Heinrich Heine – The Book of Songs 1827
32 water-coloured graphics, picture size 14 x 19 cm, size of the sheet 28 x 39 cm
Click on the small picture to enlarge
Heinrich Heine – The Book of Songs 1827